Blooming WildFlower Bouquet
Blooming WildFlower Bouquet
Local delivery only.
Show your support of nature with a flower bouquet of natives wildflowers, herbs and seasonal annuals. Your bouquet will include at least 15 flowering stems and assorted greenery and herbs arranged in quart-size jar in burlap bag. Available while seasonal wildflowers are blooming. (April-June) and (September - November) To order select local delivery at check-out.
Gift notes can be added but must call, text or send me an email with specifics.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Be kind to your plant!
Unpack and water immediately.
Place your plant in a protected outside location for some fresh air and sun.
Don't procrastinate and plant it as soon as possible in a location that will help it thrive. See FNPS website for specific plant information.